Thursday, February 18, 2010


1. Why would anyone be interested in viewing the Web site that your team is developing?
Viewers will be interested in my team's new web site because it is about NASA trainining. Teens who are interested in joining NASA will have the information they want because of our web site explains everything.

2. Who are the possible customers for the site?
The possible customers for this site are teenagers.

3. How many pages are going to be necessary to complete the Web site your client wants?
5 pages are going to be on our web site.

4. Based on the number of pages, what sort of navigational structure would work well for the site?
quick links.






5. How can this design be shown using a site map and storyboard?
Draw on paper first to see if we like it, then design it.

Mission that you are working on
Mission 1.

Header for the Homepage of your NASA website

Title for the homepage

index.html (filename for the homepage)

Header for each additional page of the website

Title for each page
filename (include file ending)
Header for each additional page of the website
Title for each page
filename (include file ending)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

NASA Space Exploration.

The 2 missions are:

Mission 1: Design a Web Site for NASA. Design introductory Web pages for the Student International Space Station Mission Control Training program. Inspire other students to reach for the stars by becoming certified flight controllers.

Mission 2: Communicate How the International Space Station (ISS) Benefits all People! Select one of the following 3 topics to research and create a Web site about. 1) How has the ISS contributed to innovation and advancements for the human race? 2) How has the ISS strengthened international relations? 3) What role or career on the ISS sounds exciting and rewarding to you?

My partner & I will work on Mission 1.

1.If prototype was a "different" post copy content to Nasa & delete.

2. Define: what a dynamic template is.
Dynamic Flash Templates technology allows you to edit text and change pictures in your site, eliminating the necessity to modify and recompile FLA source.

a) what is the file ending?


b) are you using a banner?


c) navigation.

d) content.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Heavy Metal.

The goals of this tutorial are to teach you the basics of using Microsoft Expression Web and to guide you in building creative, dynamic Web sites from scratch with the design tools that IT professionals use.

Exercise 1: Creating a New Web site
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 6) time___1:53_____ date___2/9/10_
Task 2 is complete. ((pg. 9) time__1:59_____ date__2/9/10_

Exercise 2: Creating Page Layouts with Layers
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 12) time____2:09___ date__2/9/10__
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 14) time___1:51____ date__2/11/10__
Task 3 is complete. (pg.17) time____2:00___ date__2/11/10__
Task 4 is complete. (pg. 22) time____2:18___ date__2/11/10_

Exercise 3: Styling Your Web site Using CSS
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 24) time___2:20____ date__2/11/10__
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 25) time___2:21____ date__2/11/10__
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 30) time____2:25___ date__2/11/10__
Task 4 is complete. ((pg. 32) time____2:27__ date___2/11/10__

Exercise 4: Creating More Pages
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 36) time___2:32____ date__2/11/10_
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 44) time___1:38____ date__2/12/10_
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 45) time___1:43____ date__2/12/10_
Task 4 is complete. (pg. 49) time___2:00____ date__2/12/10_

Exercise 5: Adding Navigation Controls to your Site
Task 1 is complete. (pg. 51) time__________ date_________
Task 2 is complete. (pg. 54) time__________ date_________
Task 3 is complete. (pg. 60) time__________ date_________