Monday, December 7, 2009


I enjoyed the presentation that I saw on Friday. It was very intertaining & inspiring, it made me think about joining the Art Institute of Houston. I liked the part where the guest speaker showed the class a video about ROBOTS fighting with real people in it. I also enjoyed the video of a little mouse typing on a computer and trying to find a mate. An interesting part I saw in the presentation was when the guest speaker showed us that people can also make commercials. Another interesting video I saw was the work of a student that studied at the institute, they made a very cool video and very proffesional. I enjoyed the presentation and I hope to see another one again.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My mutant:)

My mutant is a coyote not a HUMAN. Only found in the coldest areas of the world. She is known to only be seen in Christmas & New Years. She is one of the rarest & most unique creatures of the world. She is rare because she acts exactly like a human but she looks like an animal. It is unlikely for you to not see her during the winter time because she is always with her herd. She doesn’t like the summer that much because she has to “hibernate” & during the winter she is outside gathering food for the summer. Fortunately her species is not going extinct so that means you might get to see many of them around your neighborhood during Christmas or New Years. They are not that good of pets because they tend to sleep for 4 months straight & they will eat your food because her species likes human food. But when they are in the forests they only eat pine oaks & wood. Speaking of food, they’re teeth are very sharp & their mouths are very long almost like a birds’ beak. They love to drink water & do lots of exercise before summer comes, so when they start to hibernate they wouldn’t have much trouble losing all of their fat. My mutant coyote doesn’t have many friends. They are almost related to dogs & cats because they look very alike & they almost act the same. My mutant coyote is very good at protecting its territory, so its acts like a dog, & they are very cuddly during summer so they are alike to cats. So if you are thinking of having a pet & you love the winter then you should consider getting my mutant coyote.